Sunday, March 9, 2014

Segovia (Madrid, Day 4)

23 Dec 2013

Today we took a day trip out to Segovia, a town near Madrid.

We were told Segovia is famous for three things:
- an aqueduct
- a really big cathedral
- a castle
[spoiler alert: we saw all three things. *gasp*]

There was a bus that took us over to Segovia which I fell asleep for most of naturally.

Segovia pictures start here:

Teresa's quite the entrepreneur. 

We also found the most amazing restaurant ever for lunch. It was definitely my favorite meal in Spain!

Sliced raw beef with aged goat cheese for starters.

Pork (a Segovia specialty) and potatoes for mains. It was sooo good. Made the rainy weather all worth it.

The Castle:

The view of the center of Segovia from the top of the castle:

We noticed the sun was setting, so we raced back to the aqueducts to sneak in a few more photos before our bus back:

That night, we went out in search of legit tapas (aka where we just order drinks and the food comes complimentary). We found it. And it was glorious. We paid 2.50€ for a pint of beer, and got 5 (FIVE) plates of tapas for four people. Like they just kept coming... and we did them justice.

Jon's so happy haha.

This was by far one of the best nights yet.

1 comment:

  1. that gray studded building reminds me of Runescape... did you ever play that?
