Sunday, March 9, 2014

Madrid Day 3

22 Dec 2013

Today we went to the Prado Museum and walked around Madrid. 

Santa knows what he's doing.

There are so many street artists!! I love how alive the streets feel because of them.

We got really good at guessing how statue artists get into their poses. Still, it takes lots of dedication.

How does he do it? o.O

Cool couple playing cool music.

A building right outside the entrance of the Prado Museum:

Come on, iPhone camera...

Afterwards, some of the girls from the hostel and Teresa and I went to a bar next to the hostel. It was free entry and the music was wayy better than any club I'd gone to on the trip so far. We got some gin and tonic and the bartenders did a little show when they were preparing the drinks. Fun stuff.

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